Fruits of Our Labors

Picking okra
Marie picking okra in Kiryandongo

I got word earlier this week that the first okra was picked in Kiryandongo last Friday!  About 50 days since planting.  That is pretty fast!  Pastor Sosthen has been doing a great job of tending this planting.  I am also really liking that orange bucket that Marie is using……wonder if she color coordinated the blouse too?  Go Tigers!!



The garden in Yei

This is the garden in Yei.  There is an active bed on the left and the right with an empty bed in the middle.  Nice orange bucket, too!  I am also loving that mulch!  Ronald did a great job in laying out and preparing these beds!


We are making preparations to have 1000 of these drip kits in place to distribute and be used during the next dry season.  Everyone is excited to have them to use.