Monday at Kiryandongo

On Monday morning, we headed back out to the Kiryandongo refugee camp.  With Open Eyes is sponsoring over 30 pastors to go through a pastor training program.  Tom Burger spoke to the class and encouraged them in their studies.


Below is a very real experience all over Africa……trying to get fresh, clean water.  Pastor Sosthen’s group has three water points tied to the large well provided by the camp.  But they cannot always get water.  The water table has dropped with the drought and the authority only cuts their water on in the middle of the night some days.  If they want water, they have to get up and fill their containers at night.  In addition, the refugees have to pay the Ugandan government for the water!  We are looking into the possibility of putting in a well for the church to use to help alleviate these problems.


These next photos are the future and the hope of South Sudan!  Pastor Sosthen started a nursery school last year.  They have 3 classes with almost 100 students in each class!  Sadly, almost one half of these children are orphans.




Well, I lost power last night at this point!  Trying again this morning!  While we were talking in Sosthen’s office, we had someone try to come and put in her two cents!


I did a little talk about the drip irrigation to reinforce what I taught last year.  The church really did well with their garden and were able to use the money they got out of the okra crop to buy 2 acres of land!


We brought about 80 Luopad kits to give to the women,  They were absolutely thrilled to receive them and to know that others cared for and thought about them.  Great thanks to all the ladies that worked on and bought supplies for these pads!


We then left the camp and started our journey north to the Rhino camp.  Oh, the stories I have to tell……..but that will have to be another post!

3 thoughts on “Monday at Kiryandongo”

  1. Thank you for reaching out to these brave and struggling Christians. May His name be magnified and lifted high.


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